腦海中浮現Smashing Pumpkins 的 Today這首歌,1993年發行的老搖滾,很適合拿來當作開瓶的 BGM,現在還有人聽老搖滾嗎?
2020 Date 7 由寒梅酒造主導; 新澤醸造店負責精米;墨廼江酒負責原料處理、蒸米;仙台伊澤家勝山酒造負責製麴;山和酒造店負責酒母;萩野酒造負責製醪; 最後由川敬商店負責上槽。
今年版本特選「Sasanishiki」(ササニシキ)進行釀造,有復興宮城米之意,Sasanishiki 曾是宮城縣最強食用米,現在講到食用米直接聯想可能是「越光米」為最大宗,那是因為1993年 Sasanishiki 曾遭遇嚴重寒害而造成產量大減,但在1993年前日本食用米曾經是以「東橫綱者 Sasanishiki,西橫綱者越光米」豪邁並稱東、西日本食用米界的霸主,據悉 Sasanishiki 口感鬆軟質地光滑異常美味,其釀造結晶也將呈現於此。
2020 Date 7 的有趣之處還有「精米」,恰巧是由新澤釀造店所負責,新澤家就是推出市價高達35萬日圓,低於1% 精米步合,銘柄「零響」的酒造,把精米度可以解釋的範圍推向極致的酒造。
Today – Published by Smashing Pumpkin in 1993
Today is the greatest
Day I’ve ever known
Can’t live for tomorrow
Tomorrow’s much too long
I’ll burn my eyes out
Before I get out
I wanted more
Than life could ever grant me
Bored by the chore
Of saving face
Today is the greatest
Day I’ve ever known
Can’t wait for tomorrow
I might not have that long
I’ll tear my heart out
Before I get out
Pink ribbon scars
That never forget
I tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
My angel wings
Were bruised and restrained
My belly stings
Today is
Today is
Today is
The greatest day
I want to turn you on
I want to turn you on
I want to turn you on
I want to turn you
Today is the greatest
Today is the greatest day
Today is the greatest day
That I have ever really known

愛上日本酒-交流會: https://bit.ly/30DjBeD

愛上日本酒YouTube: https://bit.ly/3fG5Gep