松の司 Black Azolla 純米大吟 熟成古酒 – ENG

陳放的實力不容小覷,Azolla 在酒藏低溫儲存5年出貨後由藏家購入後再自行低溫熟成5年後開瓶,總共經過 10年低溫熟成。仍具相當的果香調,伴隨蜜蠟類型的木質香氣,酒體厚實尾韻悠長,搭大火熱炒類型的臺菜完全不遜色,與紹興醉蝦更是合拍。


We shall never underestimate the aging potential of sake. Azolla was purchased by a collector friend 5 years ago before it was storaged in Kura under low-temperature for 5 years. A total 10 years of low-temperature aging before it was opened.

Surprisingly it still had a quite fruity tone accompanied by a beeswax-like woody aroma, a long and thick texture with a long finish, and it was completely inferior to the hot and stir-fried Taiwanese cuisine.

In addition, the giant oyster pancake in Sanhe Xiaoguan is so delicious. I have n’t had such oysters and tender egg crust in a long time. The oysters were clean, full and fresh. I almost swallowed my tongue (laughs)